AnnaLisa, Sports Massage Therapist

AnnaLisa Allegretti grew up in Philadelphia, PA. She received her Bachelors of Arts in Media, Culture, and Society; an independent major that she developed at Bryn Mawr College. She later earned her Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, but her focus always remained animal-centric, so she used her skills in 3D modeling and animation to create mechanically accurate 3D models of animals. With experience working in the veterinary field, and a lengthy history of animal advocacy, rescue and rehabilitation, working to further help animals just seemed natural.

AnnaLisa obtained her Equine and Canine Sport Massage Certification in 2013, and joined the WAG team as a visiting consultant in 2014, where massage has since evolved into one of WAG’s full time offerings! AnnaLisa is also certified in Pet First Aid and CPR through the Red Cross. Outside of work, AnnaLisa enjoys traveling with her three dogs (the cats have to stay at home), painting pet portraits, rescuing, riding and training horses.


Dr. Mercier, Veterinary Acupuncturist


Lisa, Head Veterinary Technician